Horta Airport (HOR)
Airport Hotels and Accommodation

(Horta, Faial Island, Azores Autonomous Region)

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A wide range of hotels are available in Horta city, close to Horta Airport (HOR). Accommodation ranges from sophisticated and modern buildings, such as the Fayal Hotel and Do Canal Hotel, to the colonial-era Pousada De Santa Cruz hotel, as well as the smaller family-run Quinta Do Vale hotel. Numerous hotels and establishments are located near the marina, offering appealing views and within easy reach of the main shopping districts.

Horta: Airport Hotels and Accommodation

Central Horta is just a short distance from Horta Airport and is located on the south-eastern coast of the Faial Island, alongside the Atlantic Ocean. Many of the region's most popular hotels overlook the waterfront and marina area.

Horta: City Hotels and Accommodation

Accommodation in the very city centre is just 10 km / 6 miles from Horta Airport (HOR) and can be particularly busy during the hot summer months. Hotels are also in great demand during the Festival of the Week of the Sea, which is known locally in Horta as the 'Festa da Semana do Mar'. The city's most prominent and popular event, this festival attracts enormous numbers of visitors, making available accommodation scarce. Highlights during Horta's Festa da Semana do Mar include sailing regattas, whaling boat racing, water polo, fishing and a range of other nautical attractions.

Horta Airport HOR

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